Want to know what kind of life in America high school? This
game simulates the school life really nice. You will start your last year in
high school as transfer student. You can do part time job to get money to buy
clothes to impress girls, or you can join club to increase your grade.
There are 4 classes you can choose to focus in one week:
Physical Education, French, Art and Physics. You only go to school on Monday
and you can chit chat to all the students until 8:30 and then you have to go to
either one of the 4 classes and then the game will be skipped to Friday till
your part-time job or club. The club is also corresponds with each class, like
volleyball club will increase your PE grade and your athletics body.
If you want to ask a girl out, do it on Monday and your date
will be on Saturday, you can study in the morning before you date.
At first you will get several questions to determine your
initial stats. Yeah where will I ask a girl out at first date? To classical
music concert of course, it is classy, romantic and make great memories.
What make girls whispering when they see you walk through
And the stats. Actually the real me i’m 100% all that 4 but
this is game so I need to choose.
Experience the social life in school..
for 30 minutes.
Talk to girl that you want to date, well talk to anyone too.
Well is it really matter? For all of you.. talking with the girl you have crush
on and hang out with her is more important than be friends with all the school
students right? you only marry the girl you love and spend the rest of your
life with her. Why bother talking to any?
Checking every girls out.. see who compatible with me the
most. It’s not the beauty but the connection.
Why you want to see me around sometime? Wanna make out in
the backyard?
Don’t forget to ask her out on Monday. And here on Saturday
you can choose where you will take her. To the beach? Hell yeah.

Second date on a beach, let’s go to the cave and make love.
the heart wants what the heart wants. Orange aura? No my
aura is green.. pure green like VAIO notebook.
I love kissing. Can we make out and be naked here?
relax, my eyes only for you. you were
really amazing. I don’t just date cute or pretty girls i date the perfect girl
for me, the one i will marry.
Let’s go to room upstair and see if we can make love there.
Oh girl you wake me up in different places.
What a sweet lover I am. Smooth talk.
This is my weekly report. Making out with girl but still
maintain the high GPA.
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